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A 4.5 Billion year old love story: A Bedtime Story and Picture Book for Kids Ages 6+: A Tale That Teaches
Kids to Be Content and to Love Themselves First in Order to Love Others.

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Author: Misty Temelkovski & Illustrator: Sky Temelkovski

Want to Teach Your Kids About Being Content With Who They Are? Here’s an Adorable Bedtime Story to Help Your
Kids Be Loving to Themselves and Others! Do you want your kids to grow up confident and loving towards others? Yes? Well, you’re at the right place! In this fast-paced world, it’s important to have a strong foundation on one’s identity to avoid being envious of others but instead, love and support them. The majority of teens nowadays tend to develop insecurities and self-doubt which causes them to develop depression. That’s why it is never too early to teach your children how to love themselves because the lessons learned as a child will shape you as an adult. Also, a child who has learned to love themselves and understands that they are unique will help them recognize the uniqueness of others. In this way, they can easily love and accept others.

Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry because the story of Sunny & Luna covers just that! This bedtime story
will teach children the importance of loving themselves and avoid comparing themselves to others.

This book will:

  • Help kids master reading: Uses simple words, making it easier for you and your children to read

  • Enhance your kids’ creativity: Provides colorful and bright illustrations which can widen
    your child’s imagination.

  • Allow kids to understand love: Emphasizes how one should love oneself before loving and helping others.

After being alone for quite some time, Sunny realizes that he doesn’t really have a lot of friends. That’s when one star explains how he can always wish on a star and believe in the power of the universe, this changed everything. Afterward, Theia crashes into the Earth
creating a moon named Luna, Sunny was mesmerized by her. What happens to both of them?

Will Sunny be able to muster up the courage and confess to Luna or will he shy away?

Find out in this lovely short bedtime story for kids ages 6 years old and above!

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